Wednesday, January 15, 2014

nanaimo boxing c- Newcastle and Nanaimo clubs

Current location and map for easy directions

The Geographical History: by Brian Zelley

From September 1963 to 2014, amateur boxing in Nanaimo has ranged from the Newcastle Hotel to the
current location in the northern part of the city, and includes for a number of years in the basement of
the Nepper family home and then the Harewiood location in the late Seventies with a brief stop
at the Queen's Hotel.

Faces Along The Way

Jack Snaith

Joe Preston

Sunday, January 12, 2014

THE FIRST SENIOR OPEN BOXER for the Nanaimo Boxing Club

Brian Zelley = the first open senior boxer to engage in a bout for the
., the other Nanaimo boxers were all novicesNanaimo Boxing Club,
in that first fight card in 1972

                                 1974. it was goodbye to Nanaimo Boxing and hello Victoria
                                          Ian Weir  - Mike Caird - Brian Zelley, November 22.
                                  (photo by Jim Ryan, the "Victorian" courtesy of the
                                    Greater Victoria Sports Hall of Fame)  pacific nortwest boxing

PACIFIC NORTHWEST the five key tournaments
* when it comes to the five key tournaments,  I MAY HAVE BEEN THE ONLY NANAIMO PRODUCED BOXER TO COMPETE IN ALL FIVE

BC golden gloves, BC Diamond Belt, Tacoma Golden Gloves,
Oregon Golden Gloves, and
Seattle Golden  Gloves/PNW AAU Championships 

                                                 Boxing Video