Thursday, October 7, 2021

BC Amateur Boxing Hall Of Fame Inducts Bob Pegues

The Bob Pegues Story: by Brian Zelley I remember Bob Pegues and Bob Lewis wanting to revive boxing in Nanaimo in 1969.  But it would take  another two years when Brian Zelley andDan Wright would be co-founders of the NANAIMO BOXING CLUB  in 1971. Bob would be one of the first year members.  Also helping with the formation of the club would be George Nepper and John Ormandy.

Friday, October 1, 2021

BRIAN ZELLEY & DAN WRIGHT Founders Nanaimo Boxing Club 1971

We came serious about starting the NANAIMO BOXING CLUB in the Summer of 1971.  Fifty years later, there are four new coaches following Barry Creswell. The four includes Trish Harder and Stefan Melideo working year 51. From the history folks that were boxers and builders include Alan Brown, Barry Creswell, Bob Pegues, Brian Zelley, Clarke McLellan, Dan Wright, Jack Snaith and Mickey Griffin.

But, we can't forget the contributions by GEORGE NEPPER & JOHN ORMANDY for their help in the beginning.

 The two videos captures boxers from 1964 onward including boxers from the Newcastle club.